Fallacy of Self Love Blog Post

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You see it advertised everywhere – challenges that promise “30 days to Self-Love” or even “100 Days to Self-Love”, magazines and articles that share on the psychology of self-love, and even movies that play out the disastrous love lives of those who fall prey to narcissistic lovers until one day, they miraculously achieve a state of self-love and find someone who genuinely appreciates their quirky wit and lived happily ever after. In fact, the way that “self-love” is posited in the media as if it is the outcome of following 10 simple rules, complicated algorithms, and/or expertly created formulas when in fact, self-love is none of that.

Self-love is a concept that is so deep, and so powerful, that the discovery of it is almost as coveted as the discovery of the Fountain of Youth; yet, it does not have to be as illusive as the Fountain. It is not about the formulas or algorithms, nor is it about waiting around for the “a-ha” moment. More importantly, it certainly is not about following a set of rigid steps or completing a challenge. Now, don’t get me wrong – challenges are a great way to initiate a practice of self-love and published articles bring awareness to the importance of it, but in order to truly get to the core of loving yourself, you must first start from within.

One cannot truly experience self-love without self-acceptance.

Miriam-Webster defines self-acceptance as “the act or state of accepting oneselfthe act or state of understanding and recognizing one’s own abilities and limitations“. Simply said, acceptance is unconditional, just as love is unconditional. As humans, however, we are entrained to believe that only the good are lovable, and as such, the bad are unworthy of love. What we were never taught, however, is that the difference between good and bad is artificial, and the rest is perspective.

While it is easy to accept the things we judge as good about ourselves, our ability to accept the rest of us is what challenges our ability to fully acknowledge of ourselves. So, how can we start to accept the parts of us that we’ve been taught to self-loathe? If the dichotomy between good and bad are man-made, then how do we start to accept all of us rather than just some parts of us? How do we reconnect with the parts of us that we’ve discarded so that we fit into someone else’s reality? Well, if self-love is stored within, then your answers are there too and below are 5 self-discovery prompts designed to uncover the obstacles keeping you from loving yourself unconditionally:

  1. What stories am I telling myself? Starting from Day One of our lives, we’ve been immersed in the stories told by others. As we grow, the stories around us become our own, and we accept these stories as “truth” while the real truth of the matter is that we are all born into this world to create our own stories. When we live by the stories of others, we cannot truly accept ourselves because we make ourselves fit into the truth of other people’s stories.
  2. Ask “are these mine or are they someone else’s?” Once you begin to uncover the stories that you are obediently accepting as truth, you can then question whether the stories are yours or others, and if they are others, do you resonate with them anymore? Remember, you have choice in the stories you tell yourself. When you choose to change your story, your story changes with you, and you become the character on which your story is built.
  3. Why am I holding onto this story? Your old stories become your security blankets, and when this happens, it is time to ask how exactly are they serving you? What is it that you are not willing to do by holding onto these old stories? One thing I hear from my clients all the time – they abuse me because they love me. Well, that is certainly an interesting concept, isn’t it? Why not accept the fact that they abuse you because you let them, and you let them because …? THIS is where we start to uncover the “truths” we tell ourselves as to why we’re not worthy of love, and THIS is where the self-love journey truly begins.
  4. Does this story resonate with me anymore? Choose your path forward. You are not beholden to the stories of your past. Each day is a new beginning and a new opportunity to create your story. When you fall, and trust me you will fall, be kind to yourself and keep going! After 20+ years of holding onto the same story, old habits can stay with us for awhile so remember that each second, minute, hour and day is a new opportunity to start fresh.
  5. What can I create today? Through awareness and acceptance for all of you, there is power. You no longer have to cut yourself off in order to conform to someone else’s autobiography. So with this power, what will you create today that you’ve never before created?

Oh, and don’t worry, for those of you who are looking to create a self-love practice – I promise that will come naturally once you start to love yourself, because you will start to prioritize yourself and unswervingly do what it takes to take care of your well-being.

The power of true love can only come from within you…looking for it anywhere else is a waste of time.”

Reprinted with permission by Brainz Magazine (https://www.brainzmagazine.com/post/the-fallacy-of-self-love-and-how-to-truly-achieve-it?fbclid=IwAR3hJYvyFwWrElZoSiy-HNKxBaFI17GDjHgQRtN92_KMzeLvsJBbmgPNVcI)

Picture of Jean Tien

Jean Tien

My name is Jean and I am The S.U.C.C.E.S.S Method™ creator.

I’m also an intuitive who has been in your shoes and know just how soul crushing it can be to have worked so hard to get to where you are today only to end up disappointed that your success still feels empty.

Jean Tien Business Success Coach
hi! I'm Jean!

My name is Jean and I am The S.U.C.C.E.S.S Method™ creator.

I’m also an intuitive who has been in your shoes and know just how soul crushing it can be to have worked so hard to get to where you are today only to end up disappointed that your success still feels empty.

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